Old Garages
Many old garages are no longer in use. Most of them get a new function as a shop or superstore, others become just old and detoriate over the years. Some are demolished.
In many towns and villages the remains of old garage buildings can still be seen.
This page is to bring together photos of these old remains of the times of the open road.
You are invited to add your own photos as well.
An old Hillman,Sunbeam, Humber dealership in the Kerkstraat, Stavenisse, Holland sept 2004
The garage of the Willnes family at the Voorweg in Oostvoorne, Holland during the nineteen seventies (photo www.rutgerbooy.nl)
Prins Hendrikkade, Noordereiland, Rotterdam,Holland Sept 2004. (photo www.rutgerbooy.nl)
A garage on the Rijksstraatweg in Hellevoetsluis, Holland which was probably erected early part of the 20th century by later Chevrolet dealer P & D Roeloffs. He basicly started off as a cycle shop & factory called "De Telegraaf" but was also one of the very early motorists in Holland with two petrol engined cars registered in his name under number 559 on October 18th 1904.
He advertised as trading in and servicing cars and motorbikes as early as may 1904. Also kept a stock of petrol.
Picture showing
Roeloffs with a 1927 Chevrolet. Also note the Gilbert & Barker type 8 petrolpump.
It reads "benzine"
on the globe and the pump body carries the letters A.P.C. In the May 1928 advert
he calles himself "The first car garage".
Later a major competitor of Roeloffs became a company called "De Telefoon". The building still stands today as a computershop
In 1930 Roeloffs has also a company in the nearby town of Brielle together with Noordermeer. The garage is created in a very old building at the "Zuideinde" and there is an ESSO pump a the pavement. It was called "gasthuis garage".
The building still stands in 2006 and is currently being reconstructed into ?
Almost opposite Roeloffs & Noordermeer started in 1847
blacksmith A. de Baan. In 1898 he also started trading and reparing bicycles
which is still be done by the same family today. Also taxi's from 1918. Next to
Roeloffs & Noordermeer they also ran a motorcycle shop (picture on the right)
Also in Brielle was the Ford dealer "Centraal Garage". the building still stands and is now a shop.
The general garage & taxi bussines ran by Lemson in Nieuwenhoorn
And this is how the Lemson garage looks today
In the same village of Nieuwenhoorn at Dorpsstraat A81 was a garage owned by J. van Marion. It was named "Voorne & Putten" and serviced Ford's. Later they also had Studebaker, Hillman, Humber, Sunbeam and Talbot.
A look inside the Van Marion garage.
Another view of their workshop. As this place was not suitable for a showroom he had a seperate showroom on a different spot in Nieuwenhoorn.
There is even a picture of the inside of the showroom. Mind you the car in the back ground were just painted. It was too small for four cars.
Van Marion advertised with two year free service where your car could be maintaned once every month at your house.
And this is how the showroom looks today (picture taken from the other side)
Much later they moved to a different adres at Rijksstraatweg in the same village where they started a DAF Trucks dealership in 1955 and from 1959 also DAF cars. Nowadays this location is a waste depot.
At the Boomweg between Oostvoorne and Rockanje
(NL) a cycle and motor repair shop was established
A. de Bruin in the early part of the twentieth century. During the late twenties
a kerbside Texaco petrolpump was added to the activities.
Although the pump is no longer there and the cycleshop closed the buildings still stand in 2007
Also at the Boomweg but closer towards Rockanje there has been a general garage
for many years ran by Mr Wijn, located in an old church.
Some garages found by Rutger Booy
Prins Hendrikkade, Noordereiland, Rotterdam,Holland sept 2004.
A very small garage building in the Boerenstraat in Gorinchem NL
An old garage at Diepenheim NL
Garage "Jan Jacob" at the Scharnerweg 165 in Maastricht (NL). Originally build as Garage Fisette a large Ford dealer, see also http://rutgerbooy.nl/Jan_Wingen_decoratieschilder.htm Jan Jacob is now busy restoring old motorcars in this building. 2006
Garage J.L. van Bussel N.V. in the Johan Camphuysstraat 225, The Hague N.L. Started his garage in 1919 selling Essex and Hudson motorcars. Probably finished in 1935. Only some letters on the side of the building remember of J.L. van Bussel.
P. van Osselen ran a garage and repairshop in some around 1905 converted coachhouses in the Kazernestraat in The Hague NL.
Opposite these premises at the corner with the Nieuwe Schoolstraat was a cycle rental shop which disappeared long ago. This stone on the right is a remaining artefact of that cycle activity.
A typical French garage as can be seen today. Modernised, but based on an older building. Located in Monthermé. (2006)
A nice serie of photos by Fons van Alkemade made in France
'Agence Donnet-Zedel' between Mirecourt and Mattaincourt
"Garage Moderne" @ Bailleul
"Mecanique Generale" @ Fayl-Billot
"Garage, Electricitee, Cycles" @ Nieppe
Garage Central Stenay 2006
Bouillon (Belgium 2006)
Garage de L'Avenir Mirecourt
Two former garages in Milford Pensylvania by Joris Bergsma:
Dodge garage
Some old garage buildings added by www.petegiles.com
Donald Healeys garage at Perranporth UK taken in the 1920's, next to it as it is today
An extremely nice old garage at Liskeard, Cornwall, now an ATS Tyre place.
And in the same place an equelly grand old garage called Down End Garage & Co.
A fifties building specially build to accomodate a Dunlop Agricultural Tyre Depot in Plymouth.
In Calington, Cornwall you will not be able to
find this beautifull garage back, it is now clad in modern sheet metal unfortunately. It used to house Glover & Uglow which had an ERA racing car in
their showrooms. On the right the current situation with the building in new
Also in Callington "Pengelly Garage"
Near Launceston you will find this charming little "Treburley Garage"
Darley Ford garage in the village with the same name.
1932 Garage Sas, Lammert Majoorlaan 1, Bussem (NL) picture by Willem
still exists, awaiting modern photo
Roeleveld Shell 1937 Rijksstraatweg Breukelen. (NL) (Eduard Hattema Collection)
Ixworth Norfolk (GB)
Some old garages from the collection of Dick ten Heuvel.
Autobedrijf Juurlink,Spoorsingel, Coevorden NL, now demolished.
Packard dealer on the left picture and later after placing a new building on the same spot Neep Citroendealer, Coevorden NL.
Ford garage Van Berkum
Coevorden NL. They were located at a corner of Bentheimerstraat and Singel.
Later converted into an IT-Shop and now demolished.Part of the tiling and the
form of the roof can be seen on the remaining workshop wall.
Dick's father in law at the Singel in front of the garage.
During mobilisation shortly before WW2 soldiers were stationed nearby to guard the local bridge.They had confiscated a Ford from Van Berkum for transport.
Two further stages of berkum, both post war, on the rh picture there is a used car centre where another building was replaced.
The IT shop which was created after Van Berkum and now demolished.
Garage J.Thedinga at the Hoofdstraat in Emmen NL. Ford dealer. Thedinga moved here coming from another location in 1916. Picture in the middle shows added pumps.
Picture on the right shows 2006 situation.
This garage has a notice attached to the window that permission will be granted to alter this building so Etienne Willems was just in time to capture this view of Antoine Coopman's S.O.S garage before it disappears for ever. Located in Steenbrugge near Oostkamp Belgium. When still in operation it had some Fina fuelpumps in the forecourt.
A garage captured by Bruno Costers at the Piers de Raveschootlaan in Knokke Belgium. Why Minerva ?
`Lenham Garage` pictured by Jan Stellingwerf in Harrietsham, England sept 2006, at the corner of West Street and Station Road. Many hardtops were produced here in the past.
An old garage formerly Ford agent in Hadleigh Suffolk, pictured by Rob Wagemaker aug 2007
An old Citroën garage somewhere in the middle of France, photographed by Patrick van de Kerkhof in 2007
Some more garage by Jan Stellingwerf spotted around Montgomery (NW of Birmingham) October 2009:
A former garage now a restaurant garagerest.com spotted by Joris Bergsma at 7th Avenue near Christopher street, Greenwich Village, NY
Erik van Garderen reports this garage at Oude Kerkstraat 32, Utrecht, Holland, where his family ran a removal bussines before 1940. Originally build as stables it was modified to accomodate maintenance of the company fleet. Quite rare is the Sinco petrolpump. The building is now a place where you can learn eastern fighting techniques.
Have a look at some old filling stations in Holland
Go to the Garages Dirk van der Mark.
Have a look at some old garages in England too !
Old garages in Exeter: http://www.exetermemories.co.uk/EM/garages.php
And don't forget the old garages in France.
There must be some old garage buildings left in your area that you can make
a picture of and email to me.
Thanks !